The explorer is the central part of KAIROS.

This a tree containing objects called "nodes". Within KAIROS the user can organize nodes as he wants and give nodes the meaning he wants. 

Nodes are stored in the server part of KAIROS in an "Agensgraph" database. Starting from Kairos V5, Agensgraph is V2.0.0 and PostgreSQL is V10.4

In the client part of KAIROS, nodes are discovered dynamically in function of the user interactions.

Nodes have different colors indicating their type.

Gold nodes have the "N" type. They are like directories in a tree. They contain nodes but they not wear a special meaning.

Blue nodes have the "B" type. They contain uploaded data and when they are selected, they normally show a lot of menus in the menu bar.

A click on a chosen option (here Top SQL requests) has the side effect to open a new window with a specific content (here a chart)

Red nodes have the "A" type. They don't contain uploaded data but they are derived from "B" nodes or  "A" nodes by applying aggregate functions.

There are 3 ways to aggregate data

a) averaging

We have, for example, data for every 10 seconds and we want to generate a chart with a point per hour.

b) gathering

We have several "B" nodes, each representing a day of activity and we want to gather them to show a month of activity

c) consolidating

We have several "B" nodes showing, for example, the activity of a cluster and we want a single view with all the consolidated data.

A red node has a set of producers. It's possible to view these producers by calling the "Open node" function available in the context menu

Green nodes have the "C" type. They are used to compare 2 or more nodes.

Purple nodes have the "L" type. They are very specific. It's a way to automate the production of "A" nodes within a directory. 

There is a trash which has the "T" type.

And fiinally we have Light blue nodes with an icon representing a database. They have the "D" type. They are dynamic nodes able to show data in real time. These nodes can be aggregated in "A" nodes or even compared in "C" nodes.

A "D" node is like a "B" node. The main difference between them: In a "B" node, data is contained within reports (text files to be analyzed to get the content). In a "D" node, data is obtained by executing a request against a server.

Data can be reorganized within the tree within the tree by dragging  and dropping an item over an other item.

Dropping an item over or within the trash is equivalent to delete this item and the associated nodes contained in it.