Each KAIROS users has is own personal repository. For example, the user with the id "examples" has a full access to the repository named "kairos_user_examples". The rule is to concatenate "kairos_user_" with the user id.

In the same way, when a role is created, a new repository is created. If the role id is "xxxx", the repository attached to this role will be "kairos_group_xxxx". The rule is to concatenate "kairos_group_" with the role id.

When a role is granted to a KAIROS user, this user has a full access to the repository attached to the role.

Example: we have a KAIROS user "examples" and this user has been granted to the role named "shared_examples". When this user connects to KAIROS, he has access to these 2 repositories.

Question: How does he select the repository to work with ?

Answer: in the following way:

First the user must open the settings windows

The settings window is also reachable from the main toolbar (there is a quick link to the settings window).

The settings window is then open with the following content

This window contain a list of options. To select the repository to work with, the interesting option is "Nodes database". Here there are a select list (one or more possibilities). The current option is visible.

Here in the example, we have "kairos_user_examples". this is the default repository attached to the connected user. 

To update this option, the user can choose an other option in the select list and record the choice by pressing "update settings".

Settings are stored in the KAIROS server. They are attached to a user.

When the user has selected the repository to work with, he can then, call the explorer to see the content of this repository:

The following window is then displayed:

A tree appears in the body of the window. This tree is populated dynamically in function of the user interaction.

In the window header, the name of the repository is written.