A role is something useful when 2 or more KAIROS users want to share the same data. Instead of using his own repository, the KAIROS user will define as current the repository attached to the role.

The action to create a role is reserved to the KAIROS administrator.

Once connected, the administrator opens the main menu and chooses "Manage roles"

A "Create Role" button is then available.

After "Create role" has been pushed, a new form appears to get the role id.

Pushing "Create" will require KAIROS to create this role with the provided id.

In case of success, a green message appears indicating that the role has been created. The new created role appears in the list as well as all KAIROS roles.

In case of failure, a red message indicates why the request was not successful.

When the role has been created, it must be granted to one or more KAIROS users. See "how to grant a role".